RESCUE PARTNER Agency Agreement, Application Information, and Instructions
The Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center (PRC) processes thousands of lost and unwanted dogs and cats each year. We do not have the luxury of only taking in animals of our choosing, nor limiting the number of animals who come in daily, nor knowing how many will be coming in every day. Unfortunately, not all these animals will be eligible for immediate adoption. Those arriving with serious medical conditions or displaying fractious or aggressive behavior may have a better chance at being adopted if released to a qualified Rescue Partner who can improve the animal's condition. In other cases, some very adoptable animals may be offered to qualified Rescue Partners to lower the shelter capacity and avoid having to euthanize otherwise healthy animals due to lack of holding space. Rescues may also be encouraged to promote the fastest movement possible of animals through the shelter, which minimizes length of stay and increases positive outcomes for individual animals and the shelter population.
In these situations, it is always preferred to release dogs and cats to an approved rescue group and help the rescue community promote the animals to a broader spectrum of potential adopters. Such rescue organizations must be qualified and have the ability and knowledge to participate as a Rescue Partner with the purpose and goal to rescue dogs and/or cats from the shelter and find them new homes.
Onboarding New Partner Organizations
Becoming a rescue partner with Pet Resource Center awards rescues the advantage of reduced fees, being the first to find out about pets in need and being able to take pets that are deemed “Rescue Only”. Rescue Partners can be foster-based rescue groups, brick-and-mortar facilities, or other shelters. Depending on which category the rescue organization falls in, the application and approval process varies. Rescues do not need to reside in Hillsborough County or be in the State of Florida.
To become a Rescue Partner with the PRC, the Rescue will need to create a Better Impact Profile & the following must be provided:
- Primary Veterinarian Reference Letter
- Animal Control Services Contact if NOT in Hillsborough County
- 501c3 Approval Letter (EIN)
- Two Reference of Additional Partners
- Terms & Conditions
- FL Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
- Sunbiz/FL Department of State Division of Corporations
You must attach the following supporting documents when submitting your application. An incomplete application will not be reviewed.
*Humane Societies, SPCAs, and other county shelters are exempt from some of this application process.
*If incorporated outside the State of Florida, have all appropriate licenses required by the applicable state of incorporation and any other federal state or local agencies.
*A reference check will be performed with the respective animal control agency. Any negative findings will warrant further review by the Rescue/Foster Coordinators, with assistance of management if needed. Upon review, the Rescue/Foster Coordinator will determine whether the group can move forward with becoming a partner.
PRC supports Rescue Partners for the benefit of these companion animals. PRC recognizes the importance of Rescue Partners as well as protecting the interest of pets and has established specific requirements:
- A completed and approved Rescue Partner Application must be on file prior to release of any animals to any Rescue Partner and/or its approved representatives, unless otherwise approved by the PRC Director.
- PRC must be notified immediately of any changes in the Rescue Partner organization, such as location changes, principle/officer changes and contact information (phone numbers, e-mail addresses). Additionally, we must be notified of any changes to authorized representatives that may pull animals from the shelter on behalf of any approved Rescue Partner.
- All Rescue Partner Applications must be completed each year to assure that all the information is current for the coming year. (COMING SOON!)
- Rescue partners shall pay an annual administrative fee of $25. The fee entitles the rescue to operate as an agency partner of PRC and to take recued pets from PRC without a sterilization deposit as long as the rescue accepts responsibilities of §823.15, Florida Statutes.
- PRC will only release animals to Rescue Partner representatives that are pre-approved. Being disrespectful of this guideline or being disrespectful of the PRC team members may result in suspension of privileges and repeated offenses may result in termination of the Rescue Partner agreement.
- Communication between authorized rescue contacts and the designated rescue staff will be conducted using the e-mail address: (as it may be updated from time to time).
- An approved Rescue Partner must act as an extension of PRC and, as such, is expected to support the mission and efforts of PRC. False, misleading, or controversial media, publications and social media content directed towards PRC is not acceptable and may result in the termination of this rescue partner agreement.
- The Rescue Partner acknowledges that no director, operator, staff, and/or animal caregivers of the Rescue Partner have been charged for, convicted of, found guilty of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, regardless of adjudication, animal cruelty, neglect, or abandonment. All authorized persons shall be verified to not be on the animal abuse registry and that they are not currently under investigation, nor have they had repeated violations of state law or local ordinances.
- The Division Director of PRC or when designated, the Rescue Program Coordinator has the sole discretion to determine which animals may be released for rescue.
- It is preferred that all pets are picked up within 24 hours, a maximum of 48 hours from initial contact that the pet is ready can be extended to the designated Rescue Partner to pick up animals from PRC upon approval. Any time after 24 hours has passed, any pet currently remaining at PRC will be available for adoption or be available to a Rescue Partner that will take the pet immediately. After 48 hours, the notice of the Rescue Partner taking the pet will be nullified and the pet will be available as normal. The stated courtesy hold does not apply to return to owner and is limited to three pets at a time per rescue.
- Applicable fees paid by the Rescue Partner may vary. The Director of PRC (or designee), considering the number of animals in custody at the time, may decrease or waive rescue fees listed in the County fee schedule.
- If a Rescue Partner refers a potential adopter to PRC regarding an animal available for adoption, the normal PRC adoption procedures and fees will be followed.
- Stray animals being held at PRC during the holding period are not available for this program unless unusual circumstances exist. In those cases, PRC approval will be given to place the animal in a temporary foster environment during the stray hold period with the explicit
requirement that the pet be returned to PRC if an owner is available to reclaim their pet. Violation of this provision may subject the Rescue Partner to civil litigation and will result in the termination of the Rescue Partner agreement. - In the event an approved Rescue Partner accepts an intact animal due to a medical condition or age, it is the Rescue Partner’s responsibility to spay/neuter the animal prior to adoption from their organization and provide written proof (by a veterinarian on letterhead with the veterinarian’s signature or stamp and license number) to PRC within 30 days of the animal being medically fit for sterilization. The Rescue Partner shall comply with Section 823.15, Florida Statutes. Failure to provide written proof of sterilization, medical exception, or death of a pet, may result in suspension or termination or the rescue partnership. Rescue Partner shall comply with Section 828.30, Florida Statutes regarding dog and cat rabies vaccination. Titer levels are not allowed to replace the vaccination requirement in the state of Florida.
- Animals rescued from PRC and placed in a permanent home, shall have their new owner information sent to PRC within 10 days of adoption. The information must reference the Animal ID number used by PRC when the animal was pulled by the Rescue Partner.
- PRC does not transfer any breed registration papers with the animal.
- PRC cannot guarantee the health of the animal or be responsible for any illness transmitted to other animals in the care of the Rescue Partner.
- Rescue Partner must agree to an inspection of all animal housing facilities by a representative of PRC or animal control with reasonable notice. Failure to allow an inspection will result in the suspension of all Rescue Partner privileges until such an inspection takes place.
- It is the responsibility of Rescue Partners and their pre-approved representatives to assure that they reside in a “pets allowed” living situation and shall comply with local zoning ordinances regarding the number of animals permitted and facility requirements.
- All Rescue Partners must comply with Chapter 6, Hillsborough County Code of Ordinances. The municode library has a full copy of Hillsborough County ordinances located at: Municipal Code Library or they may also be accessed through the Hillsborough County website.
- Failure to adhere to these procedures may result in suspension and/or written termination of this agreement.
- PRC reserves the right to deny any application.
*Note this section serves as a summary only. The Terms and Conditions portion of this application must also be signed and abided by to remain an approved Rescue Partner.