Volunteer Policies

Thank you for supporting Austin Sunshine Camps!  

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Please create a Better Impact account with us below. Our Volunteer Coordinator, Cora Vanden Heuvel, will be in touch soon!  

Non Discrimination Statement  

Austin Sunshine Camps is committed to creating a culture of inclusion and connection. We are able to grow and learn better together with a diverse community of families, campers, staff members, volunteers, and other stakeholders. The collective sum of the individual differences, life experiences, and knowledge we all bring to Austin Sunshine Camps makes us better as an organization. As a camper, staff member, family member or volunteer, we respect and welcome the unique contributions that you bring in terms of education, opinions, culture, ethnicity, race, sex, gender identity and expression, nation of origin, age, languages spoken, veteran’s status, color, religion, disability, sexual orientation and beliefs.

Background Checks

All employees, summer camp volunteers, overnight program participants and board members, over the age of 18, must complete a background check that includes a nationwide criminal and sex offender search. The Development Manager will conduct background checks prior to volunteer service. Background checks must be renewed each twelve (12) months and kept in each employee’s or volunteer’s personnel folder. Additionally, a list of persons with completed background checks will be on site at both the Zilker Park and Lake Travis locations.

Drugs and Alcohol

Volunteers are prohibited from reporting to a volunteer opportunity or volunteering while using illegal or unauthorized drugs or alcohol. In accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, employees and volunteers must notify the DFO of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace within five (5) days of such conviction. Your employment/volunteer placement with the organization is conditioned upon your full compliance with the foregoing drug and alcohol free workplace policy. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge from your employment position/volunteer placement.


Smoking and the use of any tobacco products of any kind are not permitted on the premises of any ASC facility. ASC’s Zilker Park facility is located in a public park in the City of Austin; the City of Austin prohibits smoking in parks and other public outdoor spaces.

Weapon- Free Zone

We are a Weapon-Free Zone, and therefore weapons of any kind are not permitted on ASC’s property, whether concealed or open-carry. 

Texas Youth Protection Training

Part of ensuring our campers have an amazing experience at camp is ensuring campers stay safe. This is why it’s essential that all of our summer camp volunteers have a fundamental understanding of child abuse, so that we can prevent it from happening at camp. Physical discipline, lewd and obscene comments and hazing are strictly prohibited. 

Mandated Reporting

State of Texas law states that anyone who works with minors is considered to be a mandated reporter and is required to make a report to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) if they believe a child’s physical or mental health or welfare has been adversely affected by abuse or neglect. If a camper discloses information regarding abuse or neglect, the volunteer should report it to the Camp Director immediately. 

Photos and Social Media 

You might find yourself wanting to take pictures of or with campers during your time volunteering. Just as we will have you sign a waiver for photos, we also make sure to respect our camper’s boundaries and protect their identity. In addition to not allowing cell phones during programming, we ask that you do NOT take photos of our campers. If you would like a photo with a camper, please ask a staff member to take the picture so we can ensure that camper is approved. Additionally, volunteers should NOT have contact with minors outside of programming, to include social media. If a minor reaches out to you on social media, please bring this to the attention of our staff. .

The Rule of Three

Austin Sunshine Camps strictly enforces the “rule of 3”- meaning that in any situation, there should be at least three people present - an adult and two campers, or two adults and a camper. An adult and one camper should never be alone together.

Complaint Filing Procedures 

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence 

Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 1-866-632-9992 (Toll free), 1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay Service) or 1-800-845-6136 (Spanish Speaking Assistance). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 


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