Organization Policies
1. Introduction
Nightingale Hammerson is committed to recognising that volunteers are one of the most important resources for delivering quality services to residents.
Nightingale Hammerson recognises that the involvement of volunteers will bring skills, interests, experiences and alternative perspectives into the organisation.
The involvement of volunteers is an opportunity to bring a range of people from the local community and Jewish community into the organisation.
By working with volunteers, staff have an opportunity to further develop their professional skills.
2 Principles
The Volunteering Policy is underpinned by the following principles – which relate to Priority Four of the Nightingale Hammerson Vision:
Nightingale Hammerson will aim to ensure that volunteers are properly integrated into the organisation.
Nightingale Hammerson is committed to the philosophy of volunteers and paid staff working in partnership enabling paid staff to focus on the professional work for which they are being paid.
Nightingale Hammerson expects that all staff, at all levels within the organisation will work positively with volunteers.
Nightingale Hammerson recognises that volunteers have something distinct and unique to bring to the organisation and Nightingale Hammerson works to ensure that staff understand that volunteers are involved not to replace staff but to complement them in their role.
2 3 Process
3. The following deals with procedures in relation to working with volunteers, more detailed information can be found in the Guidelines for Staff Working with Volunteers, and the Volunteer Handbook.
Recruitment – all prospective volunteers ill be interviewed to see how they best fit into the organisation.
All prospective volunteers will be subject to a Disclosure & Barring Service check.
Induction – all new volunteers will receive an induction to Nightingale Hammerson and a specific induction to the area in which they will be spending time.
After induction, all volunteers will be offered access to staff training where appropriate or specific training from the Volunteer Support and Development Manager and associated staff.
Management – all volunteers will have a named staff member as their contact person, this will usually be the Volunteer Support and Development Manager, but occasionally could be a staff member on their allocated unit.
Support – all volunteers will have the opportunity to have one to one sessions with the Volunteer Support and Development Manager. This will be an opportunity to assess their progress and to explore future options for support, training and supervision.
Empowerment - volunteers are positively encouraged to express their views about matters concerning the organisation. This will be done by going to the Volunteer Support and Development Manager in the first instance.
Problems – Nightingale Hammerson aims to identify and solve problems at the earliest possible stage and with minimal negative impact. The procedure for dealing with complaints either by or about volunteers can be found in the guidelines and the Handbbok.
Confidentiality – volunteers will be bound by the requirements confidentiality as paid staff. Nightingale Hammerson will treat volunteers’ details with the same respect for confidentiality as paid staff.
Equal opportunities - volunteers are covered by Nightingale Hammerson’s Equal Opportunities Policy. Issues that are specific to volunteers can be found in summary in the Guidelines and the Manual.
Health and Safety – volunteers are covered by Nightingale Hammerson’s Health and Safety Policy. Issues that are specific to volunteers can be found in summary in the Guidelines and the Manual.
Insurance – volunteers are covered by Nightingale’s insurance policy.
Expenses – all volunteers are entitled to have reasonable travel and other expenses reimbursed. Volunteers should be encouraged to claim expenses at all times. Those volunteers who prefer can donate expenses to Nightingale Hammerson.
3 4 Review
This policy and the accompanying Guidelines and Policy will be reviewed regularly by the Volunteer Support and Development Manager and Assistant Director.
June 2009