Volunteer Policies

COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

As mandated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), COVID vaccination is required for all Gateway Rehab employees, practitioners, students, trainees, volunteers, or any other individual who provides care, treatment, or other services for Gateway and/or its patients or residents, under contract or by other arrangement. This CMS mandate is required in order to contract with Medicaid. Proof of vaccination or exemption from vaccination is required.

Read more about our COVID-19 Vaccination Statement HERE.


Required Volunteer Clearances

All volunteers, except for Guest Speakers and Event Volunteers, are required by Pennsylvania law to complete a background check and child abuse clearance, provided for FREE. The clearances must be renewed every 5 years. Youth and family program volunteers, as well as ALL Main Campus volunteers, will also be required to complete a $24 digital fingerprint/FBI background check.


Recovery Experience

Volunteers must have 18 months or more in a continuous manner of personal, lived recovery experience. (Excluded: Administrative and special events volunteer roles)

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