Code of Conduct
As a volunteer with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Southern Alberta Chapter (CPAWS SA) you are expected to maintain ethical and professional conduct while on our premises, during volunteer shifts or activities, and when representing our organization in the community.
This Volunteer Code of Conduct aims to clearly communicate the required standards of behavior while volunteering with CPAWS SA. We expect our volunteers to act respectfully, honestly, and ethically while fulfilling their responsibilities, and in their interactions with our staff, fellow volunteers, and community members.
Obligations and Expectations
Volunteers are expected to follow the ethical standards outlined in this code of conduct. Moreover, volunteers are expected to uphold CPAWS SA’ mission and maintain a professional image while representing the organization in public.
During their service with CPAWS SA, volunteers are to follow these guidelines:
To fulfil their role as outlined in their volunteer role description(s).
To perform their volunteer role to the best of their ability.
To follow the organization’s policies and procedures.
To meet time and task commitments and to provide sufficient notice when not available.
To act in a way that is in line with the aims and objectives of the organization and that enhances the work of the organization.
In return, volunteers should expect the following from CPAWS SA:
To provide adequate information and training so volunteers may meet the expectations as described in their volunteer role description(s).
To explain what is required of volunteers and to support and provide encouragement to help volunteers achieve the desired results.
To assign volunteers with a staff supervisor who will provide regular support.
To treat volunteers with respect and courtesy.
To be receptive to any comments and feedback from all our volunteers.
To value and recognize volunteers as a significant resource in achieving the goals of our organization.
Anti-Racism, Harassment, and Bullying
CPAWS SA has a zero-tolerance policy for racism, discrimination, sexual harassment, intolerance, and bullying of any kind.
These behaviours include but are not limited to: offensive physical actions such as lewd gestures; statements meant to humiliate a person publicly or individually; the use of racial slurs or “jokes”; sexually explicit communication that is either written or spoken; any unwelcome physical contact with other volunteers, staff, or clients; any unwanted sexual attention; harassment due to a person’s race, color, gender, identity, religion, language, medical condition, age, culture, national origin, gender expression, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.
If you witness these behaviors, you are required to notify Vanessa Bilan, Outreach Manager at immediately. If you engage in any of these behaviors, you will receive prompt disciplinary action and/or termination without notice.
Attendance and Punctuality
CPAWS SA depends on you to arrive on time for your scheduled shift. We ask that if you know you will be late or absent, please notify your shift’s appointed staff point of contact as soon as possible. Repeated tardiness or absences may result in suspension or termination.
Dress Code
It is important that volunteers dress appropriately for their volunteer role so that they can fulfill their volunteer duty safely and comfortably. We ask that you refrain from wearing clothing that displays obscene language or offensive material while representing our organization.
Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use
Volunteer activities must be conducted without the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs. These substances are prohibited from CPAWS SA premises. While medical and recreational marijuana use is legal, we are under no obligation to accommodate its use at our events, or on our premises.
If alcohol is served during a volunteer event or business function, volunteers are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate and professional manner.
Tobacco products may only be consumed in designated smoking areas and disposed of responsibly.
Breaches of the Volunteer Code of Conduct
By failing to uphold the ethical considerations in this document, volunteers should expect disciplinary action. It is at CPAWS SA’s discretion whether to issue a warning or to terminate services as a volunteer. CPAWS SA has the right to release or terminate volunteers at its discretion. CPAWS SA is not responsible for any monetary losses accrued because of breaches of conduct.
By checking "I Agree", I indicate that I have read, understood, and agree to uphold and abide by the outlined values. I also agree to accept the consequences as a result of not following our Volunteer Code of Conduct.