Organization Policies

As part of the internship program, Cincinnati Museum Center agrees to:

  1. Conduct an initial interview with you, either individually or within a group.
  2. Provide you with a choice of assignments, if possible.
  3. Provide orientation, training, supervision and guidance to you. The Director of Volunteer Services will be available to assist with any problems and act as a liaison between you and paid staff members.
  4. Keep you informed regarding Museum Center policies and other pertinent information.
  5. Conduct an evaluation of your job performance, if applicable.
  6. Keep a record of your volunteer experience and make it available to you upon request.
  7. Give you additional responsibilities as skills develop, if applicable.
  8. Have an annual volunteer recognition and appreciation program.

As a Cincinnati Museum Center intern, I agree to:

  1. Abide by the policies and procedures of Cincinnati Museum Center.     
  2. Attend scheduled orientation and training sessions, if applicable.
  3. Provide a record of hours worked and be prompt in reporting for scheduled assignments.      
  4. Notify the appropriate person if unable to volunteer, either due to illness, vacation, resignation or leave of absence.
  5. Participate in a performance evaluation, if applicable.     
  6. Hold as confidential any private information obtained directly or indirectly concerning members, special benefactors or corporate sponsors.
  7. Adhere to the three “C’s” by being conscientious, considerate and courteous.      
  8. Maintain a well-groomed appearance and a professional attitude.
  9. Contribute time and service with no expectation of compensation or employment.
  10. .Accept the right of Museum Center to dismiss me for unsatisfactory performance for conduct that adversely affects Museum Center’s operations.
  11. Inform Museum Center of any limitations that would have an impact upon the performance of my duties as a volunteer at Museum Center.

Cincinnati Museum Center


Code of Conduct


Welcome to the Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal. In order to provide a safe and enjoyable learning experience for our guests, we ask that all visitors to Union Terminal please abide by this code of conduct.


While on Museum property, the following activities are prohibited:

  • Any unlawful acts or behavior


  • Any act that threatens the safety of our guests or staff


  • Any act that threatens the safety of our exhibits or artifacts
  • Any act that threatens the well‐being of our building and property
  • Any act that is disruptive to other patrons
  • Any act that hinders our employees in the performance of their duties
  • Any act that is inconsistent with the purpose of this facility, which is to educate and engage the public


  • Smoking is prohibited inside any Museum Center buildings


  • The use of electronic smoking devices is not permitted inside any Museum Center buildings


Examples of specific activities that are prohibited include but are not limited to:

  • The use of profanity, vulgar or threatening language is prohibited.
  • The wearing of obscene, vulgar, or indecent clothing that is inconsistent with a museum and family friendly environment, is prohibited.
  • Excessive loitering is prohibited.


  • Animals, other than licensed service animals are prohibited.
  • Touching or tampering with any museum display, artifact, artwork, or property is prohibited.


  • Illegal drugs and/or alcohol abuse while on museum property is prohibited.


  • The use of roller skates, roller blades, or wheeled shoes is prohibited.
  • Theft and/or the violation of any other Ohio Revised Code Statute is prohibited.


Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal is a museum, educational facility and an active railway station. In accordance with State guidelines, Homeland Security regulations, and Federal law, firearms, and / or deadly weapons of any kind are prohibited within this facility. Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Officers must report to the Public Safety Office and show proper identification to conceal carry on our premises.


Cincinnati Museum Center is open to the Public. We encourage everyone to come and enjoy our facility. However, we reserve the right to remove from this facility any person who violates this code of conduct, or otherwise commits such actions as to cause disruption or danger to our guests, staff, museums, or property. We WILL NOT tolerate violence or abuse to anyone on our property, and all criminal behavior will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


For a complete listing of the Museum Center Rules and Regulations, please visit our website, at or stop by our public safety office during business hours.


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